3年ぶりとなる、第27回 ESV国際会議 (International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles)が横浜みなとみらいで開催された。
日本開催は20年ぶりとなる、米国運輸省道路交通安全局(NHTSA),国土交通省,経済産業省の主催によるThe 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (第27回 自動車安全技術国際会議)が2023年4月3日(月)- 6日(木)にパシフィコ横浜で開催された。

2023年4月3日(月)- 6日(木)
パシフィコ横浜 ノース
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
Special Session
- Plenary Panel: Aging Society
- Special Session 1: Vehicle Cybersecurity
- Special Session 2: Safe Systems Approach
Technical Session
- Protection of Vulnerable Road Users and Child Occupants.
- Safety Performance in Frontal and Rear Crashes.
- Active Safety Systems for Crash Avoidance: New Systems and Technologies.
- Advances in Experimental and Mathematical Biomechanics and Human Injury Research.
- Safety Performance in Side Impact and Rollover Crashes.
- Driving Automation Systems: Product Evolution; Safety Performance Assessment; and Real-World Deployment Challenges.
- Advances in Crash Test Dummies, Instrumentation, and Data Analysis.
- One Step Ahead Integrated Vehicle Safety Technologies.
- Human Factors Considerations for ADAS and ADS Technologies.
- Student Safety Technology Design Competition. Finalist Oral Presentations.
- Consumer-Focused Approaches to Promote Vehicle Safety in the Automotive Market.
- Opportunities and Challenges of Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Techniques to Enhance Vehicle Safety.
- Developing and Adapting Safety Assessment Approaches for Vehicles with ADS (SAE Levels 3, 4 and 5).
- Restraint System Design and Performance Challenges: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Populations(Age, Gender, Stature).
- New and Improved Field Data Collection, Analysis, and Benefits Assessment Methods.

Autoliv Japan Ltd. / Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc. (ACTS) / TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION / Honda Motor Co,. Ltd. / ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED / Department of Transportation/NHTSA / National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory (NTSEL)
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. / Mazda Motor Corporation / SUBARU CORPORATION / UTAC / Nihon University / Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) / National Agency for Automotive Safety and Victims' Aid (NASVA)
Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) / HORIBA, Ltd. / JASTI Co., LTD / ZF Group / Suzuki Motor Corporation / KYOWA ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. / Cellbond / DAIHATSU MOTOR CO.,LTD / Mitsubishi Motors Corporation / Applus IDIADA / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. / Applied Intuition / VBOX JAPAN Inc. / Additium Technologies / Budapest University of Technology and Economics / Oregon State University / University of California San Diego / Virginia Tech Transportation Institute

ESV 2023 受賞者に関して、米国政府特別感謝賞に日本からは、河合輝直博士(交通安全環境研究所)、水野浩二博士(名古屋大学)、米国政府優秀エンジニアリング賞に日本からは、北川雄一博士(トヨタ自動車株式会社)、鴻巣 篤宏(日本自動車研究所)、杉本洋一(株式会社本田技術研究所)、高橋 優香(株式会社本田技術研究所)氏が選ばれた。
テクニカルツアーはDenso Tour(Denso Global R&D Tokyo, Haneda, Haneda Innovation City) / TOYOTA Tour(TOYOTA Higashi-Fuji Technical Center) / NISSAN Tour(Nissan Intelligent Factory)以上の3ヶ所で行われた。
